One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak adalah permainan cepat untuk 3-7 pemain di mana setiap orang mendapat peran tersembunyi , masing-masing dengan kemampuan khusus . ( Tidak ada plain " desa " di sini ! ) Dalam perjalanan pagi tunggal , desa Anda akan memutuskan siapa di antara mereka adalah manusia serigala ... karena semua yang diperlukan adalah menemukan satu manusia serigala untuk menang ! Daybreak termasuk sebelas peran baru , dan dapat dimainkan sendiri atau
Tragedy Looper is a game about a group of Protagonists traveling back in time to prevent a Mastermind from instigating various tragedies. Or it’s a game about a Mastermind plotting various tragedies while meddling time-travelers keep getting in the way.
In Mysterium, a reworking of the game system present in Tajemnicze Domostwo, one player takes the role of ghost while everyone else represents a medium. To solve the crime, the ghost must first recall (with the aid of the mediums) all of the suspects present on the night of the murder. A number of suspect, location and murder weapon cards are placed on the table, and the ghost randomly assigns one of each of these in secret to a medium.
DeskripsiKataEmak BoardGame + Card Protector - Toko Board Game
Base Game + Card Protector Sleeve Kings
Kata Emak adalah permainan kartu yang menguji konsentrasi dalam kecepatan dan ketepatan berbelanja. Setiap pemain diminta Emak untuk berbelanja ke warung. Pemain yang paling cepat dan tepat mengumpulkan semua belanjaan dialah pemenangnya. Ayo bantu Emak!
DeskripsiThrow Burrito Card Game by Exploding Kittens ( Original ) - TBG -
Family-friendly 5 minutes to learn, 15 minutes to play 2-6 players Includes 120 cards, 7 tokens, and 2 foam burritos soft enough to throw them at your great-great Auntie Marlene without having to feel guilty Hilarious illustrations by Matthew Inman of the oatmeal
DeskripsiUno Emoji Card Game ( Original ) - Toko Board Game - TBG
Special UNO game features Emojis theme Same as Basic UNO but includes special Emoji rule cards that require players to make and hold hilarious Emoji expressions First player or team to 500 wins When you’re down to one card, don’t forget to yell UNO For 2 to 10 players, ages 7 and older
The goal is to be the first to stack different colored rings on your thumb, based on the order shown on a challenge card. This is not as easy as you think! The challenge cards will require each player to focus on the order of numbers and match their colors. Different variations of play make this a must have party game that is as fun for little ones as it is for the big ones!
CATEGORY: Family games AUTHOR: Alexandre Droit ILLUSTRATOR: Stéphane Escapa CONTENTS: 50 Challenge Cards, 48 Rings (12 red, 12 green, 12 blue, 12 yellow)