Brass: Lancashire

  • Rp 990.000
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Diskon
    • Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000

For 2-4 Players
Time : 60-120 Minutes
Genre : Economic, Industry, Transportation

Click Here to Buy Brass: Lancashire 

Brass: Lancashire, the 2018 edition from Roxley Games, reboots the original Warfrog Games edition of Brass with new artwork and components, as well as a few rules changes:

The virtual link rules between Birkenhead have been made optional.
The three-player experience has been brought closer to the ideal experience of four players by shortening each half of the game by one round and tuning the deck and distant market tiles slightly to ensure a consistent experience.
Two-player rules have been created and are playable without the need for an alternate board.
The level 1 cotton mill is now worth 5 VP to make it slightly less terrible.
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2010 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Nominee
2008 Tric Trac Nominee
2008 International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee
2008 Golden Geek Best Gamer's Board Game Nominee
2007 Meeples' Choice Award
2007 Jogo do Ano Winner
2007 Jogo do Ano Nominee