Codenames: Harry Potter

  • Rp 440.000
  • Berat: 1,00 kg
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Diskon
    • Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000

Number of Players: 2

Recommended Age: 11+

Time: 15 Minutes

Harry Potter themed word and picture association game perfect for families and friends
Locate secret Agents who are concealed in a grid of Harry Potter references
Use one-word clues to guide guessers to their victory all while avoiding hidden Death Eaters
Includes 200 code cards, 100 double-sided key cards, 16 Order of the Phoenix cards, 1 Death Eater cover card, 11 time-turner tokens, 1 pad of Mission Logs, 1 card stand, and Instructions