Gardens Of Babylon
- Rp 850.000
- Berat: 2,00 kg
- Availability: In Stock
- Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000
Deskripsi Gardens of Babylon Deluxe Version Board Game - TBG
Age Range: 10 Years and Up
Players: 1 - 4 Players
Playing Time: 60 Minutes
Category : Puzzle, Ancient
Gardens of Babylon is a 1-4 player, competitive euro-style game in which players strive to earn the most points by planting flower seeds on the most valuable tiles. Taking turns, players place tiles to create a maze-like ziggurat of pathways. They then strategically move their gardeners to claim tiles by planting seeds. This earns them victory points and can trigger cascades down connected waterways, allowing them to replace their opponents’ seeds with their own!
78 Ziggurat Tiles
12 Scoring Tiles
5 Base Tiles
48 upgraded custom meeples
144 upgraded custom seed Tokens
Custom Plastic Storage Insert (KS Exclusive)
The Assyrian Expansion (KS Exclusive)
Collectible metal coin (KS Exclusive)
Rulebook (English, Spanish, French, German)