Katamino Pocket

  • Rp 325.000
  • Berat: 700 gram
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Diskon
    • Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000

An ever-changing puzzle and stimulating brain teaser
Uses basic concepts of geometry and develops observational skills
A multi-award winning game
For ages 5 and up
For 1 player

Katamino is a puzzle game with both 2D and 3D challenges of progressive difficulty, and also offers a strategic game challenge for two players. It comes with a book containing more than 500 puzzles; players just can't put Katamino away because there is always a harder puzzle to solve! Katamino Pocket is a travel-sized version of the game, featuring a locking cover to hold your puzzle progress in place and a drawer to store the booklet as well as the pieces you are not currently using. A great way to bring the fun of Katamino with you wherever you go!.