
  • Rp 400.000
  • Berat: 600 gram
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Diskon
    • Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000

Number of Player: 1-5

Game Time: 15-30 Minutes

TEN is an exciting push-your-luck and auction game for the whole family! Players draw cards one-at-a-time, trying to add as many as they can without exceeding a total value of TEN, or they bust!

Players may push their luck to draw more cards and use currency to buy additional cards in their attempt to build the longest number sequence in each color. When valuable wildcards emerge from the deck, players compete in auctions to obtain them in order to fill gaps in their sequences

2022 5 Seasons Best International Family Game Nominee
2021 Golden Geek Light Game of the Year Nominee