- Rp 230.000
- Berat: 300 gram
- Availability: In Stock
- Diskon Ongkir s/d Rp 50.000 dengan belanja min Rp 1.000.000
Game Time : 15-30 minutes
Number of Players: 2-6
Tinderblox sets players in a campfire setting, where each player will attempt to grow the fire! But watch out! Place the blocks badly and you risk burning down the camp!
Each turn players will draw a card from the campfire deck. The card will instruct them to place on the campfire a log, a fire block or any combination of the two (or more) in various orientations. Players use tweezers to "Play with fire" in a shared pool, however, once all pieces have been put together and are off the ground the player must carefully place this on the campfire!